Asking For A "Friend" - Dealing with Doubt Part 1
Sunday, April 7th, 2024
Please Read
Matthew 11:2-11
Five Suggestions
Know you are not alone
Hang on (doubt can be an opportunity for deeper faith!)
Don’t doubt alone
Doubt your doubts
Don’t forget the One at the center of our faith
Questions for Greater Discussion
What are some doubts you are struggling with currently or in your recent past? How are you working to wrestle with those doubts right now?
Read John 1:29 and compare it to the text in Matthew you already read. How does John’s outlook on Christ shift and why? What are the reasons doubt creeps in?
What are some actions we can take to help people with questions and doubts regarding faith? How does Jesus respond to John his cousin?
Read John 20:24-29. How does Jesus handle the doubt of Thomas?
What is the difference between doubters and deniers? Consider Jude 1:4 and Jude 1:22. How does Jude differentiate between individuals struggling with doubt verses those who are scoffers and those who deny?
How does trauma affect our view of the validity of Christian faith?
Who is someone in your life you can help overcome doubt and deconstruction? Write down the names given and pray for them together!!
Pray and close it out!!
Are you struggling with your faith?
We would love to come alongside you. Reach out at